Taking a Whack Against Comcast

While it is the purpose of this site to expose Comcast's shortcomings though peaceful means, and old couple from Manassas, Virginia decided to take the matters in their own hands.

"...So, after stewing over it all weekend, on the following Monday, she went downstairs, got Don's claw hammer and said: "C'mon, honey, we're going to Comcast."

Did you try to stop her, Mr. Shaw?

"Oh no, no," he says.

Hammer time: Shaw storms in the company's office. BAM! She whacks the keyboard of the customer service rep. BAM! Down goes the monitor. BAM! She totals the telephone. People scatter, scream, cops show up and what does she do? POW! A parting shot to the phone!

"They cuffed me right then," she says.

Her take on Comcast: "What a bunch of sub-moronic imbeciles." ..."

Read the full story :) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/17/AR2007101702359.html


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